Working Remotely

Working Remotely – Minus the Tie!

Working Remotely is no longer an option, it is a must for many of trying to continue to do our jobs. In another installment of LEAP Managed IT’s Tech Tuesday’s with Mike we learn how to be good at working remotely!

Mike welcome’s us into his home office and shows us around.  He even laughs at how strange this is, specially for him not wearing a tie! He does realize the challenges of working remotely and gives us ideas how to make it feel more normal. Check out Mike’s Working Remotely Insights here!

I am quite sure that by now, most of you have started working remotely from home or still thinking on how to go about it due to the  threats of Covid-19. The World Health Organization has advised us to stay indoors and avoid contact with others while the virus is not yet contained. At, LEAP Managed IT, we will try, even these challenging times, to share with you tips that can help you in your IT needs including working remotely.

Tips for Working Remotely from Home

  • With all that has been happening and the changes in the past week, we should still strive and set ourselves up for success. If this means that, we should stay home for work, then let us maximize it and stay productive.
  • Make some changes at home. Set up a work space where you can focus and get your job done. If you have a home office space, then good for you. If not, find a spot to set up a desk and chair plus the equipment that you will need like laptop, printer, scanner etc.
  • Keep your regular working hours. If you work for 8 hours/ 5 times a week then do the same at home. Set a start time and End time to follow daily.
  • Now is the time to appreciate time with family. Have meals together and make up for the days you were not around because of work.
  • Create a routine. When you were working in an office, you wake up in a certain time, have breakfast, get your coffee and drive, or commute to work. This time, you can also create a routine before starting work. Complete house tasks, whatever it is and prepare for work at a certain time and maintain it.

And there is more..

  • Setting ground rules with everybody in the house. Let them know when you are in a video call with a client or a meeting with colleagues.
  • Schedule breaks and move away from your computer from time to time. Take a walk out in the garden for a few minutes. This way you will not feel burned out and have leg movement. Do something that will make you feel refreshed.
  • Talk to your manager. Let them know what you need to make working remotely a success.  Request equipment that you do not have. Do you need VPN to access the company database? Is your network connection safe?
  • Connect with co-workers and colleagues from time to time thru skype, Microsoft Teams, video or phone call to make sure that your tasks are done collaboratively. Communicate with one another to get updates from time to time. Plus it’s important to check in with everyone!
  • Make sure you have the proper equipment for virtual meeting, board meeting or sales calls. This equipment includes headphone, microphones webcam and proper lighting.

Set Up Working Remote with Leap

Once you have set up your home office, it will be easier for you to focus and start working even when you are not in the physical office. If your company is looking for a smooth transition to work remotely, contact, they will be glad to set you up and help you in your IT needs. Also, check out tips from our friends and to get other ideas on how to make the best of working remotely!